Minggu, 21 Februari 2021


 Occupation is a job. What about your parents' occupations? Do you know about it? 

As your task today, please write your parents' occupation, and describe it in short sentences. I will give the example.

Hi, my name is Desma. My father's job is a tailor. He can sew many beautiful and good clothes. He is very kind. He works at home. My mother is a housewife. She always stays at home to keep the house. She do the house works everydays. She cares to the children, and sometimes she is like a best teacher for me.


Please write the information about your parents' occupations, and describe it too. Please write it on the comment column. Do not forget to write your name.

44 komentar:

  1. My father's occupation is an entrepreneur and my mother occupation a doctor at the Sukabumi Community Health Center for Bahuga Wak kanan

    Nama zaiyda Aisya Azzahra

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  3. hi my name is naura luthfiyah hanun
    My mother's job is a physics teacher every morning she goes to school and she comes home from work in the afternoon

    naura luthfiyah hanun 7 cm

  4. Nama: Hani Fadila
    7 Cm ganjil

    Hi, my name is Hani Fadila. My father's job is a civil servant, he works in the health department. Every time my father comes home from work, he always brings a variety of medical equipment, ranging from masks, hand sanitizers, temperature gauges, medicines and vitamins. So that at my house a lot of these items. But some of these items we shared with our neighbors and relatives.
    My mother's job is a civil servant, she works in the investment office. He often worked at home and often at the office. When he came home from work, he always bought food for his children.
    So I really love my mother and father❤️


    Hai, nama saya Hani Fadila. Pekerjaan ayah saya adalah seorang PNS, dia bekerja di dinas kesehatan. Setiap ayah saya pulang dari kantor, ia selalu membawa berbagai alat kesehatan, mulai dari masker, hand sanitizer, pengukur suhu, obat obatan dan vitamin. Sehingga dirumah saya banyak barang barang tersebut. Tetapi sebagian dari barang tersebut kami bagikan kepada tetangga dan saudara.
    Pekerjaan bunda saya adalah seorang PNS, dia bekerja di dinas penanaman modal. Ia sering bekerjanya di rumah dan sering juga dikantor. Ketika ia pulang dari kantor, ia selalu membelikan makanan untuk anak anaknya. Sehingga saya sangat sayang dengan bunda dan ayah saya❤️

  5. Nama : adzka Zakiyya wafa
    Kelas : VII cut meutia ganjil

    hi my name is adzka zakiyya wafa, my father's job is entrepreneurial, my father is hardworking, smart and kind to others and my mother's job as a civil servant she is very smart, patient, my mother also helps me if there is difficulty in math
    I love my father and mother❤️

  6. hi my name is faiha thalita rahim from grade 7 cm even, my father works as an anesthetist he is very hardworking, smart, my mother always helps me he is very patient in educating his ankles

  7. hi my name is faiha thalita rahim from grade 7 cm even, my father works as an anesthetist he is very hardworking, smart, my mother always helps me he is very patient in educating his ankles

  8. Nama : alfenia nasyitha Azka
    Kelas : 7 cut Meutia ganjil

    hi, my name is alfenia nasyitha Azka, my father's job is self-employed, my father is a very tough man,
    and my mother's job is a regional contractor and my mother is the woman I love the most, and the toughest woman


  9. Name : Khajra Azizah Aiqona.
    Class : VII Cut Meutia Ganjil

    Hi, my name is Khajra Azizah Aiqona. My father's job is the Head of Bureau at the University of Lampung, every time he comes home from work my father always brings delicious food. He is a good father, who gives all affection to his children, my dad always works hard, never gives up and is always responsible for his work.
    my mother's job is Civil Servant. He works for the Food Security Service.
    She is a good mother to me. Apart from working in the office, she also works at home as a housewife. He is someone who never gives up and is always responsible for his work at home and at the office. She is a mother who gives all her love to her family and children.
    Because of that I really love my father and mother who have worked hard and loved the children and their families with all their heart❤️❤️.


    Hai, nama saya Khajra Azizah Aiqona. Pekerjaan ayah saya adalah Kepala Biro di Universitas Lampung, setiap pulang kerja ayah selalu membawakan makanan yang enak. Dia adalah ayah yang baik, yang memberikan semua kasih sayang kepada anak-anaknya, ayah saya selalu bekerja keras, tidak pernah menyerah dan selalu bertanggung jawab atas pekerjaannya.
    pekerjaan ibu saya adalah Pegawai Negeri Sipil. Dia bekerja untuk Food Security Service(Dinas Ketahanan Pangan).
    Dia adalah ibu yang baik bagiku. Selain bekerja di kantor, ia juga bekerja di rumah sebagai ibu rumah tangga. Ia adalah seseorang yang pantang menyerah dan selalu bertanggung jawab atas pekerjaannya di rumah maupun di kantor. Dia adalah seorang ibu yang memberikan semua cintanya kepada keluarga dan anak-anaknya.
    Karena itu saya sangat mencintai ayah dan ibu saya yang telah bekerja keras dan mencintai anak-anak serta keluarganya dengan sepenuh hati❤️❤️.

  10. Hi,my name is Alya.my father's job is a civil servant in the regional civil service agency.His job is to take care of promotions, pensions, transfers, and hiring employees.My mother's job is a teacher. Her job is to educate and nurture students to be smart.

    ~Alya Prasidina Syahri
    ~7 Cut Meutia

    1. Translate :

      Hai,nama saya Alya.Pekerjaan ayah saya adalah PNS di badan kepegawaian daerah.tugas nya antara lain mengurus kenaikan pangkat, pensiun, mutasi, dan penerimaan pegawai.pekerjaan ibu saya adalah seorang guru.tugas nya adalah mendidik dan membina murid menjadi pintar.

  11. Hi,my name is Iynas.my Father is a teacher. He works at SMKN 2 KALIANDA.my Mother is a teacher too. She works at SDIT PERMATA BUNDA 3. They are always teach me many think of life. I love them so much.

    Nama:Iynas Syafiqoh Hasanah
    Kelas:7 Cut Meutia

  12. Name :Fina Nailatul Izzah

    Hi My name is Fina Nailatul Izzah.
    My parents work as a nurse and midwife, my father is a nurse and my mother is a midwife.
    their job is to treat the sick.

    Hai Nama saya Fina Nailatul Izzah.
    pekerjaan orang tua saya sebagai seorang Perawat dan Bidan, Ayahku seorang perawat dan ibuku seorng Bidan.
    tugas mereka adalah mengobati orang orang yg sakit.


  13. Hello, my name is Anisah Rihadatul Aisy.
    My father works as an entrepreneur, the business he manages is in the form of a machine and photocopying he also usually fixes other people's machines. like engine service. while my mother is a housewife who always takes care of me and my brother at home. he helped my father a little, in the financial sector. and I think he's gonna open a cake shop. that was a little bit about the work of my father and mother.

    Anisag Rihadatul'Aisy
    7 Cut Meutia Ganjil

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  15. Hi! I'm Afiqah
    My father's occupation is Soldier

    Currently, my father is assigned to RINDAM II SRIWIJAYA. And now, my current father is attending education at the center, Bandung.

    My mother's occupation is midwife
    Usually, mothers participate in Persit activities. Persit is the Army Wives Union

    Hai! Saya Afiqah
    Ayah saya bekerja sebagai tentara.

    Saat ini, ayah saya ditugaskan di RINDAM II SRIWIJAYA.
    Dan sekarang, ayah sedanv mengikuti pendidikan di pusat, Bandung.

    Ibu saya aadalah ibu runah tangga
    Biasanya, ibu mengkuti kegiatan Persit.
    Persit adalah Persatuan Istri Tentara

    From : 7CM GENAP

  16. hi, my name is mufidah qanitah. My father's job is a civil servant in the sub-district, and my mother's job is a midwife who works at the puskesmas.

    Mufidah Qanitah

  17. Hello everyone, my name is Shireen Amini Jasmine.
    I have great perents. My father's job is notary. He is very busy at his office. He helps people who want to sell their houses, land and other expensive properties. He also likes bringing important documents to home.
    My mother is religion teacher in MTS 1 bandar lampung. She is a kind teacher but she can get angry with naughty students. She always goes to school at 06.30 A.M and goes to home at 5 P.M

    Name:Shireen Amini Jasmine
    Class:7 cut meutia

  18. hi my name is m. syafiq al-ghifari

    my mother's job is a teacher / civil servant and my father is a teacher / civil servant and they teach a lot of good subjects in their respective schools.

  19. Name : Tsabat Muyassar Syafiq
    Class : VII RI(Ganjil)

    Assalamualaikum Hi, my name is Tsabat Muyassar Syafiq. My father's job is civil servant. He is very kind. He works in the Office. My mom is a housewife. He always stayed at home to look after the house. She does housework every day. She cares for kids, and sometimes she's like the best teacher to me.

  20. my father's job is entrepreneur
    and my mother's job is entrepreneur too

    Name:Amir Aminnullah
    Class:7 Raden intan (ganjil)

  21. Name : Rezky Fairus Adriansyah
    Class : VII Radin Inten

    My Father worked as an architect and My Mother worked as a teacher at one of the junior high schools near my house

  22. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  23. Name:muhammad tilmisani fauzi
    Class:7 raden inten

    hi my name is muhammad tilmisani fauzi. my father's job is civil servants. and my mother's job is teacher

  24. Name : Muhammad Hilmy Fathan Ramadhan
    Class : VII Radin Inten
    My father worked as a civil servant and my mother worked as a lecturer at Unila

  25. Name:M.Fathurrahman Z

    Hy my name is Muhammad Fathurrahman Z my father worked as a civil servant or as a nurse and my mother worked in the same job

  26. Name:M.Raditya.a.f
    Class:7 Raden intan

    My father and my mother are worked as government employees at central lampung regional government.my father and mother on monday until friday.

  27. hi my name is Umar Fajri Muhammad, my father job is a lecturer and my mother job is a consultant.

  28. Name: rasya anandiva
    Class:VII randen intan

    My father worked as a policeman
    And my mother as a midwife

  29. Royyan ilhami fajar
    7 raden intan

    My father worked as a self-employed businessman and my mother as a teacher

  30. Hi my name is Muhammad Fariz Sanjaya
    My father's job is a civil servant and My mother's job is a teacher

  31. Name :Daniyal Fathulloh
    Class:7RI Genap

    Assalamualaikum, My name is Daniyal. My father's job is entrepreneur. My mother is a housewife, she do the house works every days. She is the best teacher for me because she always taught me while studying at home.

  32. Nama : Fathoni ibadurrahman suyuthi
    Kelas : 7 Raden inten

    My father's name is Atmono, he works as a lecturer at the University of malahayati.
    My mother's name is Sukatmini, she works as a civil servant

  33. Nama : Alfi Nur Rachman
    Kelas : 7 Raden inten

    My father's name is Danial, he works as a teacher
    My mother's name is Meriana, she works as a teacher also

  34. Name:M.Fakhri Akbar
    Kelas:7 Raden Intan

    hi my name is muhammad Fakhri Akbar. my father's job is civil servants. and my mother's job is teacher

  35. Nama : ElangRamadhan
    Kelas : 7 Raden inten

    My father's name is Reno sugiarto, he works as a high court secretary
    My mother's name is sri, she works as a doctor

  36. Nama : Muhammad Arkaan Aufaa Raasyid
    Kelas: 7 Raden Intan

    ->My father works as an official police officer and he works in a field like where to explain it? Well, like the police who usually do that or what you usually hear, namely catching bad people, not only that sometimes it can change its field on the computer rarely for traffic signs, more often into big problems so thank you

  37. Kelas : M.Dzaky Al hafiz
    Kelas : 7RI(GANJIL)

    my name is Muhammad M.Dzaky Al hafiz. my mother's job is civil servant. my father's job is civil servant

  38. Name:M.Fathurrahman Z

    Hy my name is Muhammad Fathurrahman Z my father worked as a civil servant or as a nurse and my mother worked in the same job

  39. Name : Callysta Anindya Firdausy
    Class : 7 cm ganjil

    Hi, my name is Callysta Anindya Firdausy. My father's job is consultant, he teaches me mathematic. My mother's job is teacher, she teaches me computer.

  40. name: raysha adzkania
    class: 7 cut meutia

    hi, my name is raysha adzkania. my father's job is private employees, and my mother job is pns

  41. hello everyone, my name is senda hanifa, my father's name is sehono, his job is entrepreneurship he has a company or so-called miniplant. he collaborates with PT. Philips seafood. well, if you want to know what miniplant is, I'll tell you in the dormitory tomorrow, for her mother's job she is an administrator at SMP 1 Bandar Surabaya, Central Lampung



Perjalanan hidup manusia berputar seperti roda. Suatu saat akan berhenti, bila telah tiba di tujuan. Namun, adakalanya roda itupun berhenti karena hambatan. Hidup beserta masalah adalah lumrah. Memang demikian adanya. Hidup tanpa masalah mungkin juga ada. Akan tetapi, itulah masalahnya, mengapa bisa tidak ada masalah? Normalkah?

Maka kembali pada bagaimana kita menyikapi. Terbelit dalam kerumitan, pikirkanlah solusi; bukan kesulitannya. Karena hal ini akan menjelma beban.

Serahkan pada sang Penguasa semesta, karena Allah swt maha berkehendak. Entah bagaimana penyelesaiannya, terkadang tak pernah sedikitpun terbayang dalam pikiran. Lantas untuk apa lagi ragu? Bila tak sanggup membina diri, bersama iman dan taqwa padaNya, tunggulah kebinasaan itu dari jalan yang tak disangka -sangka.

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