Senin, 23 November 2020



By. Ms. Desma H.

Conversation adalah percakapan. Tentu dilakukan oleh minimal 2 orang. Ada tanya jawab dalam conversation. Ada cara merespon, ada juga cara bertanya. Perhatikan contoh berikut ini:

Alfa: Hi, Betha. How are you?

Betha: I am good. What about you?

Alfa: Alhamdulillag, I am happy.

Betha: Why?

Alfa: Because tomorrow, I will make a small birthday party.

Betha: today is sunday, so tomorrow will be monday.

Alfa: yes, you are right. Please come at 9.00 am.

Betha: ok, insyaaAllah, I will come.

Alfa: thankyou.

Betha: you're welcome..

Now, your task is...

Please make a short conversarion which is included: time, date, day, month.

The deadline will be tomorrow morning..


Just write it on the comment column below.

30 komentar:

  1. Afiqah : Hayy, hani, how are you?
    Hani : Hayy, Alhamdulillah, i'm fine
    Afiqah: I have an invitation for you.
    Hani : Invitation ?? ๐Ÿคฉ
    Afiqah : Can you come over to my house tomorrow?
    Hani : InsyaAllah, I can
    Afiqah : Tomorrow is my sister's birthday. I invited you to dinner๐Ÿ˜„
    Come to my house tomorrow at 8:00 p.m.
    12 January 2021
    I wait for your presence..
    Hani : Okay, I will come
    Thank you for the invitation

    Name : Afiqah Syakirah Adhani

  2. Father : when you will go to Bali, agnes? (kapan kamu akan pergi ke bali agnes?)

    Agnes : in marc dad (bulan maret pa)

    Father : together with your classmate? (bersama-sama dengan teman kelasmu?)

    Agnes : yes dad, when dady and mama will go to singapore? (ya pa, kapan papa dan mama pergi ke singapore?)

    father : in january dear (bulan januari sayang) do want to follow? (kamu ingin ikut?)

    Agnes : no dad, I have planning in january (tidak pa, aku sudah ada rencana di bulan januari)

    father : well, good luck dear (baiklah, semoga berhasil sayang)

    By zaiyda Aisya Azzahra VII cut Meutia

  3. Yoona:Good morning Asyifa,Do you want to play at my house?

    Asyifa:Sure Yoona,when?

    Yoona:What about tomorrow,at 03:00pm?

    Asyifa:Ok, insyaallah i Will come.

    Yoona:ok then,see you soon

    By: Jasmine Yoan Sinaga
    Class:Cut Meutia


  4. A: “When is your birthday?”

    B: “My birthday is on August 22nd. When is yours?”

    A: “Mine is on Friday.”

    B: “This Friday?”

    A: “Yes, on July 15th.”

    B: “That’s the same as my dad’s birthday!”

    A: “I thought your dad’s birthday was in the winter?”

    B: “No. My mom’s birthday is on January 1st.”

    A: “Oh, her birthday is on New Year’s Day. Fun!”

    BY:naura luthfiyah hanun

  5. Tuesday 24 November 2020

    Raisa: assalamualaikum hi what's your name?

    Aisyah: Waalaikumussalam my name is Aisyah if you who?

    Raisa: Ooo my name is Raisa, I know you

    Aisyah: asiapp ...

  6. Afiqah : hai Kaisya
    Kaisya : hai Afiqah
    Afiqah : Kaisya Will you come my birthday party
    Kaisya :yes,when is your birthday party held.
    Afiqah:the 10 that 9p.m
    Kaisya : ok,see you leter
    Afiqah:see you leter

  7. Ami : Hi ina! How are you?
    Ina : Hi Ami!Alhamdulillah, IM Fine
    Ami : when did you Arrive in Surabaya?
    Ina : i Arrived in Surabaya just last
    Ami : we haven't seem each other in two
    Ina : yes,it was a long time ago.
    How about we spend some fun
    Ima : okay,IM waiting for you tomorrow
    at the park at 12.00 AM.
    Ina : okay,see you tomorrow at 12.00 Am
    Ima : bye bye

    Name : Alya Prasidina Syahri

  8. Nama : alfenia nasyitha azka
    Kelas : 7 cut meutia

    A : when is your birthday?
    B : my birthday is on august 22. When is yours?
    A : mine is on friday
    B : this friday ?
    A : yes,on july 15
    B : that's the same as my dad's birthday !
    A : I thought your dad's birthday was in the winter ?
    B : no. My moms birthday is on january 1.
    A : oh, her birthday is on new year's day. Fun !

  9. Anita : "Mira, are you free next Sunday?"
    Mira : "Yea, I think so. Why?"
    Anita : "Would you like to come to my birthday
    Mira: "Oh, Really?"
    Anita : "Yes, It's my sweet seventeen. I'd like to celebrate it with my beloved friends and family."
    Mira: "That must be great time."
    Anita : "Yea, you can invite someone else to come.
    Mira: "What about Adit. Hehe... He likes you. I'm gonna invite him to come."
    Anita : "That's OK."
    Mira :"Yes. I'm gonna come with him."
    Anita : "Yup. I've got to go. I must tell the others. Don't forget Sunday at 3 p.m."
    Mira: "Sunday at 3 p.m. I'll be there."

    By:Haura Syarifa
    Class:Cut Meutia

  10. Marsha: when can we meet for coffee ?

    Farah : are you available on Tuesday
    August 22nd ?

    Marsha : wait, so it Will be the next
    Tuesday ?

    Farah : yes

    Marsha : I'M sorry, i'm working at that
    date. What about a week from
    tomorrow ?

    Farah : i can't. I Will be out of town.

    Marsha : are you available on
    Wednesday evenings ?

    Farah : sure! Let's meet tomorrow

    Marsha : can't wait !

    Nama : adzka Zakiyya wafa
    Kelas : 7 cut Meutia

  11. Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh semuanya

    Avinza: Hi fina, how are you?

    Fina: I am good, what's up avinza?

    Avinza: good morning fina?

    Fina: good MORNING too☀๐ŸŒˆ

    Avinza: later at 08.00 am we swiming?

    Fina: ok I will wait

    Avinza: thank you fina ๐Ÿ˜Š

    Fina: your wellcome avinza

  12. sinta : hello fani
    (hallo fani)

    fani : hi sinta
    (hai sinta)

    sinta : how are you?
    (apa kabar?)

    fani : Alhamdulillah it's fine
    (Alhamdulillah baik)

    sinta : What do you go to school with?
    (kamu berangkat sekolah pakai

    fani : i go to school by car
    (saya pergi ke sekolah dengan

    sinta : Oo..

    fani : May i ask?
    (boleh saya bertanya?)

    sinta : okay want to ask what?
    (mau bertanya apa?)

    fani : were you born on what month, and year?
    (kamu lahir pada tanggal, bulan, dan tahun berapa?)

    sinta : I was born on the eleventh,March of the year two thousand and eight
    (saya lahir pada tanggal 11, bulan maret tahun 2008

    fani :Oo..

    sinta : you were born on what date, month and year?
    (kamu lahir pada tanggal bulan dan tahun berapa?)

    fani : i was born on the nineteenth, february on the year two thousand and eight
    (saya lahir pada tanggal 19 bulan februari tahun 2008)

    sinta : So you are older than me
    (jadi kamu lebih tua dariku)

    fani : yes

    sinta : let's go to class, already about to enter
    (ayo masuk kelas, sudah mau masuk)

    fani : okay let's go
    (oke ayo pergi)

    Name : Khajra Azizah Aiqona
    class : VII Cut Meutia

  13. Rana: Hello rini, will you be in lampung mext month?
    Rini: Yes,i will come to bandar lampung in Desember.
    Rana: I want to invite you to go to Pahawang Island
    Rini: I want to join,when do you want to go?
    Rana: I want to go on 22nd December, 2020
    Rini: Is it on tuesday? I think i can't go Pahawang Island on tuesday, how about on wednesday?
    Rana: Ok. what time is it?
    Rini: We will go Pahawang Island at 1 o'clock in the afternoon
    Rana: Ok. see you on the day Rini
    Rini: See you too

    Name: Shireen Amini Jasmine
    Class: 7 Cut Meutia

  14. Fina : Hi Anisa,Why are your clothes so neat?

    Anisa : Hi too Fina,we are on monday morning this flag ceremony

    Fina : on monday what time is Anisa?

    Anisa :The time is 07.30 a.m

    Fina :oh yes,during the flag ceremony,what month and date?

    Anisa : Complete monday,07.30 a.m,the month of january,and the fourth

    Fina:Okay,thanks Anisa,Assalamualaikum wr.wb

    Anisa : Youare Welcome Finaa,waalaikumsalam wr.wb


    Name : Fina Nailatul Izzah
    Class: VII Cut Meutia

    ---------------THANK YOU-------------

  15. Nisa : 'Hello what are you doing? '

    Nida : ' Hello Nisa, I'm painting the surroundings'

    Nisa : ' oh ya? For what? '

    Nida : ' of course, y because I will participate in a painting competition on behalf of our school'

    Nisa : 'Wow amazing. when the event is held? '

    Nida : 'Thursday, November 26, 2020'

    Nisa : 'okay good luck nida! I'm sure you can do it'

    Nida : ' Thank you very much nisa for the support'

    Nisa : ' You're welcome. I will return to class. Good bye nida'

    Nida : 'bye nisa'

    Mufidah Qanitah
    7 cut meutia

  16. Nama: Hani Fadila
    Kelas: 7 Cut Meutia

    The conversation between Dinda and aulia๐Ÿ‘ญ

    Dinda: hey, good morning aulia, how are you?
    Aulia: I'm fine thanks and you?
    Dinda: I feel happy
    Aulia: Dinda, what time is it now?
    Dinda: now it's 04.00am aulia
    Aulia: OK, thank you
    Dinda: You're welcome
    Aulia: oh yeah I forgot what day it was, dinda?
    Dinda: oh it's weird you don't know the day
    Aulia: sorry I forgot
    Dinda: yes relax aulia, today, Tuesday
    Aulia: oh yeah, almost forgot, what date is it now? And what month?
    Dinda: Today is the 24th, November
    Aulia: okey, thank you very much, dinda
    Dinda: You're welcome


  17. Nisa : Assalamualaikum Ara, how are you today?
    Ara : Waalaikumsalam Nisa, i'm fine thank you, and you?
    Nisa : i'm fine to, ah Ara when is your party graduation?
    Ara : Sunday Nisa,
    Nisa : Tomorrow?
    Ara : No, today is friday so tomorrow is saturday
    Nisa : oh oke,
    Ara : Please come at 14.30 pm Nisa,
    Nisa : Oke insyaallah
    Nisa : Ara come on, we will late
    Ara : Lets's go

    By nisa , maaf ustadzah telat kemarin gak kekirim rupanya hikd

  18. Iqbal : Hi ina! How are you?
    Rizki : Hi Ami!Alhamdulillah, IM Fine
    Iqbal : when did you Arrive in Surabaya?
    Rizki : i Arrived in Surabaya just last
    Iqbal : we haven't seem each other in two
    Rizki : yes,it was a long time ago.
    How about we spend some fun
    Iqbal : okay,IM waiting for you tomorrow
    at the park at 12.00 AM.
    Rizki : okay,see you tomorrow at 12.00 Am
    Iqbal : bye bye

    Name : Iqbal alamsyah

  19. Nama: Hafidz Alfaruq
    Kls : Vll Raden Inten
    Ami: Ina, what day is it?

    Ina: It’s Tuesday Am. What’s the matter?

    Ami: Nothing, I just have an appointment with the dentist.

    Ina: When will it be?

    Ami: Let me check, it’s said 10 November.

    Ina: Oh it’s Saturday.

  20. Name:M.Fathurrahman Z

    Jaki:Assalamualikum wr wb

    Juki:Walaikumsalam wr wb

    Jaki:How are yo?

    Juki:Im fine,and you

    Jaki:Im fine too thank you

    Juki:hmm ya

    Jaki:What time is it now?

    Juki:It is 15:30 pm

    Jaki:Ohh Thank you

    Juki: You are welcome

    Jaki:Where are you now?

    Juki:I was in bangka belitung

    Jaki:What time is there

    Juki:here it 15:50 pm

    Jaki:Ok Thank you and good byee

    Juki:You are welcome

  21. Daniyal Fathulloh
    Kelas 7 Radin Inten

    Zabad : “Hello Dani!”

    Dani : “Oh..hello Zabad, what are you doing right now?”

    Zabad : “I’m waiting for my father. He came home at 4 in the afternoon."

    Dani : “Anyway..when is the mid test begin?”

    Zabad : “The mid test starts at 1st December”

    Dani : “What day it is?”

    Zabad : “It’s on Tuesday”

    Dani : “Oh I see..thank you so much Zabad for the information..see you tommorow!”

  22. A: “When is your birthday?”

    B: “My birthday is on August 22nd. When is yours?”

    A: “Mine is on Friday.”

    B: “This Friday?”

    A: “Yes, on July 15th.”

    B: “That’s the same as my dad’s birthday!”

    A: “I thought your dad’s birthday was in the winter?”

    B: “No. My mom’s birthday is on January 1st.”

    A: “Oh, her birthday is on New Year’s Day. Fun!”

    Nama:m.tilmisani fauzi

  23. Fatur: hi how are you
    Nazwa: i'm fine, and you?
    Fatur: i'm fine too. what grade are you now?
    Nazwa: I'm in 8th grade junior high school, and you?
    Fatur: I'm in grade 7th junior high school
    Fatur: how old are you?
    nazwa: i'm 14 years old, and you?
    Fatur: 13 years on 20-8-2020
    nazwa: what date were you born?
    Fatur: I was born on 20-8-2007, end you
    Nazwa: I was born on 2-2-2006
    Fatur: hmm okay, thank you
    Nazwa:your welcome

    Nama:M.Dzaky Al hafiz
    Kls :7 Raden intan

  24. Fatur: hi how are you
    Nazwa: i'm fine, and you?
    Fatur: i'm fine too. what grade are you now?
    Nazwa: I'm in 8th grade junior high school, and you?
    Fatur: I'm in grade 7th junior high school
    Fatur: how old are you?
    nazwa: i'm 14 years old, and you?
    Fatur: 13 years on 20-8-2020
    nazwa: what date were you born?
    Fatur: I was born on 20-8-2007, end you
    Nazwa: I was born on 2-2-2006
    Fatur: hmm okay, thank you
    Nazwa:your welcome

    Nama:M.Syafiq Al-ghifari
    Kls:7 Raden Inten

  25. Akbar:hi how are you today.
    Habibi:i'm fine thank you, and you
    Akbar:i'm fine too thank you, Are you coming to my birthday tomorrow?
    Habibi:yes, of course, your birthday is Monday and today is Sunday It means your birthday is tomorrow.
    Akbar:yes, thats right.
    Habibi:and your birthday is 20 january 2007.
    Akbar:yes, have to go home now bye.
    Habibi:ok, i'm too
    Akbar:Don't forget to come to my birthday tomorrow at 09.00 am

    Nama: Umar Fajri Muhammad
    Kls: 7 Radin inten

  26. M.Hafidz Rizki Ramadhan ponahan

    A : Are you Bryan?

    B : Yes, I am. Do we know each other?

    A : I am John, a friend of Alex.

    B : Oh, I see. How do you do?

    A : Good. Are you still living with Alex?

    B : Yes, I am. We have bernama living together for almost 2 years.

    A : Cool. Uhm… I am sorry I have to leave now. It is nice to see you again. Could you please say hello for Alex from me?

    B : I will

    A : Thanks.

    B : You are welcome.

  27. Nama :Fathoni ibadurrahman suyuthi
    Kelas :7 Raden inten

    Umar :asslamualaikum
    Faris :waalaikumsalam
    Umar :how are you?
    Faris :i am fine thank you, and you?
    Umar :i am fine too
    Faris :so, what's up?
    Umar :I just want to tell, about brawl stars game
    Faris :what is that?
    Umar :21 day/three weeks to go, brawl stars update to season 4
    Faris :when exactly?
    Umar :23 november
    Faris :it's Monday, what time?
    Umar :3pm
    Faris :thanks for the info, I can't wait
    Umar :your welcome



Perjalanan hidup manusia berputar seperti roda. Suatu saat akan berhenti, bila telah tiba di tujuan. Namun, adakalanya roda itupun berhenti karena hambatan. Hidup beserta masalah adalah lumrah. Memang demikian adanya. Hidup tanpa masalah mungkin juga ada. Akan tetapi, itulah masalahnya, mengapa bisa tidak ada masalah? Normalkah?

Maka kembali pada bagaimana kita menyikapi. Terbelit dalam kerumitan, pikirkanlah solusi; bukan kesulitannya. Karena hal ini akan menjelma beban.

Serahkan pada sang Penguasa semesta, karena Allah swt maha berkehendak. Entah bagaimana penyelesaiannya, terkadang tak pernah sedikitpun terbayang dalam pikiran. Lantas untuk apa lagi ragu? Bila tak sanggup membina diri, bersama iman dan taqwa padaNya, tunggulah kebinasaan itu dari jalan yang tak disangka -sangka.

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