Rabu, 17 Maret 2021

Exercise for English Class 7

By. Ms. Desma

Please change these sentences into negative sentences.

1. I am a beautiful girl.

2. We are great students.

3. She borrows my new shoes.

4. He eats the cake in the kitchen.

5. They go to Canberra together

22 komentar:

  1. 1.I am an ugly girl
    2.we're not great students
    3.he didn't borrow my new shoes
    4.she doesn't eat cake in kitchen
    5 they didn't go to Canberra together

    Naura luthfiyah hnun 7 cm genap

  2. 1.i am not a beautiful girl
    2. We are not great students
    3.she does not borrows my new shoes
    4.he does not eats the cake in the kitchen
    5.they do not go to Canberra together

    Zaiyda Aisya Azzahra

  3. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  4. 1. I am not a beautiful girl
    2. We are not great student
    3. She doesn't borrows my new shoes
    4. He didn't eats the cake
    5. They didn't go to Canberra together

    Name : Afiqah Syakirah Adhani
    7 CM GENAP

    Sorry if it's wrong. Because I don't use google translate๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ™

  5. Name : Alya Prasidina Syahri

    1. I am not a beautiful girl.
    2. We are not great students.
    3. She does not borrows my new shoes.
    4. He does not eats the cake on the kitchen.
    5. They do not go to Canberra together

  6. nasywa faelani 7cm genap

    1. I am an ugly girl
    2.we are not great students
    3.she doesn't borrow my new shoes
    4.he didn't eat cake in kitchen
    5.they didn't go to Canberra together

  7. 1 I'm not a beautiful girl
    2 I'm a bad student
    3 he didn't borrow my shoe
    4 he didn't eat cake in the kitchen
    5 we didn't go to Canberra

    Aisyah qonitah 7 cm genap
    Maaf kalo slh mis
    Aisyah pake translite๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ™

  8. Name : Fina Nailatul Izzah
    Class: 7 CM GENAP

    1.l am not a beautiful girl
    2.we are not great students
    3.she does not borrowsbmy new shoes
    4.he does not eats the cake in the kitchen
    5.They do not go to canberra together

  9. Name:Haura Syarifa.
    VII Cut Meutia Genap

    1. I'm not pretty girl.

    2. We'r not great students.

    3. She doesn't borrows my new shoes.

    4. He didn't eats the cake in the kitchen.

    5. They didn't go to Canberra together.


  10. 1.im not a beautiful girl
    2.we are not great student
    3.she doesn't borrows my new shoes
    4.he didn't eats the cake in the kitchen
    5.they didn't go to canberra together

    Name:keisya khoirunnisa wardah
    Class:7 cut meutia (genap)


  11. 1. I am not a beautiful girl.
    2. We are not great students.
    3. She does not borrows my new shoes.
    4. He does not eats the cake on the kitchen.
    5. They do not go to Canberra together


  12. Name : Avinza Laura Verlita
    Class : VII cut meutia (genap)
    Ket : sorry ustadzah avinza using google translate ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป

    1. I'm not a pretty girl
    2. We are not great students.
    3. She does not borrows my new shoes.
    4. He does not eats the cake on the kitchen.
    5. They do' not go to Canberra together

    ~by : Avinza ☺️๐Ÿ’—

  13. 1. I am not a beautiful girl.
    2. We are not great students.
    3. She does not borrows my new shoes.
    4. He does not eats the cake on the kitchen.
    5. They do not go to Canberra together

    Nama : alfenia nasyitha Azka
    Kelas : 7 cm ganjil

  14. Nama : Adzka Zakiyya wafa
    Kelas : VII cut meutia ganjil

    1. I am not a beautiful girl.
    2. We are not great students.
    3. She does not borrows my new shoes.
    4. He does not eats the cake on the kitchen.
    5. They do not go to Canberra together

  15. Name : Callysta Anindya Firdausy
    Class : 7 Cut Meutia (ganjil)

    1. I am not a beautiful girl
    2. We are not a great students
    3. She does not borrows my new shoes
    4. He does not eats the cake on the kitchen
    5. They do not go to Canberra together

  16. 1. I am not a beautiful girl
    2. We are not a great students
    3. She does not borrows my new shoes
    4. He does not eats the cake on the kitchen
    5. They do not go to Canberra together

    Nama:Iynas Syafiqoh Hasanah
    Kelas:7 Cut Meutia


  17. 1.i am not a beautiful girl
    2. We are not great students
    3.she does not borrows my new shoes
    4.he does not eats the cake in the kitchen
    5.they do not go to Canberra together

    Nama: Jasmine Yoan Sinaga
    Kelas:7 Cut Meutia ganjil

  18. Name : Khajra Azizah Aiqona
    Class : VII Cut Meutia Ganjil

    1. I am not a beautiful girl.

    2. We are not great students.

    3. She does not borrow my new shoes.

    4. He does not eat the cake in the kitchen.

    5. They do not go to Canberra together.

  19. 1. I am not a beautiful girl
    2. We are not great students
    3.she does not borrows my new shoes
    4.he does not eats the cake in the kitchen
    5.they do not go to Canberra together

    ~riza Azzahra
    7 cm ganjil

  20. Anisah Rihadatul'Aisy
    7 Cut meutia ganjil

    1. I am not beautitul girl
    2. we are not great students
    3. she doesn't borrow my new shoes
    4. he didn't eat cake in kitchen
    5. they do not go to Canberra together

  21. Hani Fadila
    7Cm ganjil
    1. i am not a beautiful girl
    2. We are not great students
    3.she does not borrows my new shoes
    4.he does not eats the cake in the kitchen
    5.they do not go to Canberra together

  22. Mufidah Qanitah
    7 CM ganjil
    1.i am not a beautiful girl
    2.we are not great students
    3.she does not borrows my new shoes
    4.he does not eats the cake in the kitchen
    5.they do not go to Canberra together



Perjalanan hidup manusia berputar seperti roda. Suatu saat akan berhenti, bila telah tiba di tujuan. Namun, adakalanya roda itupun berhenti karena hambatan. Hidup beserta masalah adalah lumrah. Memang demikian adanya. Hidup tanpa masalah mungkin juga ada. Akan tetapi, itulah masalahnya, mengapa bisa tidak ada masalah? Normalkah?

Maka kembali pada bagaimana kita menyikapi. Terbelit dalam kerumitan, pikirkanlah solusi; bukan kesulitannya. Karena hal ini akan menjelma beban.

Serahkan pada sang Penguasa semesta, karena Allah swt maha berkehendak. Entah bagaimana penyelesaiannya, terkadang tak pernah sedikitpun terbayang dalam pikiran. Lantas untuk apa lagi ragu? Bila tak sanggup membina diri, bersama iman dan taqwa padaNya, tunggulah kebinasaan itu dari jalan yang tak disangka -sangka.

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