Senin, 02 November 2020

Days and Month

By: Ms. Desma H., S. Pd.


1. Sunday-Ahad,
2. Monday-Senin,
3. Tuesday-Selasa,
4. Wednesday-Rabu,
5. Thursday-Kamis,
6. Friday-Jumat,
7. Saturday-Sabtu.

The first day of the week: hari yang pertama dalam satu pekan.
The second day: hari yang ke dua,
Yesterday: kemarin,
Tomorrow: besok.


1. January,
2. February,
3. March,
4. April,
5. May,
6. June,
7. July,
8. August,
9. September,
10. October,
11. November,
12. December.

Last month: bulan kemarin,
Next month: bulan depan,
The fourth month of the year: bulan ke empat dalam tahun,

Those are days and months. Can you remember them?
Ok, good..
Now we can do the exercise below. Please answer in the comment column. Write also your class and complete name.

Exercise Days and Months.
1. The first day of the week is ...
2. The seventh day of the week is ...
3. It is sunday, yesterday was ...
4. The second month of the year is ...
5. It is March now, last month was ...

Good Luck!

42 komentar:

  1. 1. The first day of the week is monday
    2. The seventh day of the week is Sunday
    3. It is sunday, yesterday was Saturday
    4. The second month of the year is February
    5. It is March now, last month was February

    By:Jasmine Yoan Sinaga
    Kls:7 CutMeutia

  2. 1. The first day of the week is monday
    2. The seventh day of the week is sunday
    3. It is sunday, yesterday was saturday
    4. The second month of the year is February
    5. It is March now, last month was February

    Name : Afiqah Syakirah Adhani
    Class : VII Cut Meutia

  3. Nama Riza Azzahra
    Kelas VII cut meutia

    1. The first day of the week is monday
    2. The seventh day of the week is Sunday
    3. It is sunday,yesterday was Saturday
    4. The second month of the year is February
    5. It is March now,last month was February

  4. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  5. Nama: Hani Fadila
    Class: 7 Cut Meutia
    1. The first day of the week is Monday
    2. The seventh day of the week is Sunday
    3. It is sunday, yesterday was Saturday
    4. The second month of the year is February
    5. It is March now, last month was February

  6. 1.sunday

    By zaiyda Aisya Azzahra

  7. Name : Fina Nailatul Izzah
    class : VII CUT MEUTIA

    1.The first day of the week is MONDAY
    2.The seventh day of the week is SUNDAY ai sunday,yesterday was SATURDAY
    4.The second month of the year is FEBRUARY is March now,last month was FEBRUARY

    Thank you...

  8. name:naura luthfiyah hanun
    cut meuyia

    1the first day of the week is monday
    2.the seventh day of the week is sundayit
    3,it is sunday yesterday was saturday
    4.the second month of the year id february is march now last mont was february

  9. Nama:Haura Syarifa
    Kelas:VII Cut Meutia

    1. The first day of the week is monday
    2. The seventh day of the week is Sunday
    3. It is sunday, yesterday was Saturday
    4. The second month of the year is February
    5. It is March now, last month was February


  10. Nama:Shireen Amini Jadmine
    Kelas:7 cut meutia
    1. The first day of the week is Monday
    2. The seventh day of the week is Sunday
    3. It is Sunday,yesterday was Saturday
    4. The second month of the year is February
    5. It is March now,last month was February

  11. Nama : alfenia nasyitha azka
    Kelas : 7 cut meutia

    1. The first day of the week is monday
    2. The seventh day of the week is sunday is sunday, yesterday was saturday
    4. The second month of the year is february
    5. it is march now, last month was february

  12. Name : Alya Prasidina Syahri
    Class: 7 Cut Meutia

    1. The first day of the week is Sunday
    2. The seventh day of the week is Saturday
    3. It is Sunday, yesterday was Saturday
    4. The second month of the year is February
    5. It is march now,last month was February

  13. Nama : Callysta Anindya Firdausy
    Kelas : 7 Cut Meutia

    1. Sunday
    2. Saturday
    3. Saturday
    4. February
    5. February

  14. Nama : adzka Zakiyya wafa
    Kelas : VII cut meutia

    Jawaban :

    1.the first day of the week is Monday
    2.the seventh day of the week is Sunday is Sunday, yesterday was Saturday
    4.the second month of the year is
    February is march now, last month was

  15. 1. The first day of the week is monday
    2. The seventh day of the week is Sunday
    3. It is sunday,yesterday was Saturday
    4. The second month of the year is February
    5. It is March now,last month was February

    nama aisyah qonitah
    kelas 7 cut mutia

  16. Nama: avinza laura verlita
    Kelas: VII cut meutia
    Sekolah: SMPIT PB IBS

    1. The first day of the week is monday
    2. The seventh day of the week is sunday
    3. It is sunday, yesterday was saturday
    4. The second month of the year is february
    5. It is march now, last month was february
    By: Avinza laura verlita

  17. The first day of the week is monday
    The seventh day of the week is sunday
    It is sunday, yesterdey was ssturday
    The second month of the year is febuary
    It is march now, last month was febuary

    Anisah Rihadatul ' Aisy
    Vii cut meutia

  18. 1.monday
    Name:keisya khoirunnisa wardah
    Class:7 cut meutia

  19. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  20. Name : Khajra Azizah Aiqona
    Class : VII Cut Meutia

    Jawaban :

    1. The first day of the week is sunday

    2. The seventh day of the week is saturday

    3. It is sunday, yasterday was saturday

    4. The second month of year is february

    5. It is march now, last month was february

  21. Nama: aqiilah imtiyaz
    Kelas:7cut Meutia

    1.the first day of the sweek is Sunday
    2.the seventh day of the week is Saturday is Sunday yasterday was Saturday
    4.the second month of year is February is march now last month was February

  22. Mufidah Qanitah
    7 cut meutia

    1. The first day of the week is monday

    2. The seventh day of the week is sunday

    3.It is sunday, yesterday was saturday

    4. The second month of the year is february

    5. It is March now, last month was February


  23. Nama:Iynas Syafiqoh Hasanah
    Kelas: 7 Cut Meutia

    1.The first day of the week is monday

    2.The Seventh day of the week is sunday

    3.It is sunday,yesterday was saturday

    4.The second month of the year is february

    5.It is march now,last month was february

  24. 1. The first day of the week is monday
    2. The seventh day of the week is Sunday
    3. It is sunday,yesterday was Saturday
    4. The second month of the year is February
    5. It is March now,last month was February

    Name:M.Fathurrahman Zaydan
    Class:Radin Intan

  25. Nama : Ridho Tri Syaputra
    Kelas : Vll(Raden Intan)

    1. The first day of the week is monday
    2. The seventh day of the week is sunday is sunday, yesterday was saturday
    4. The second month of the year is february
    5. it is march now, last month was february

  26. Nama:Rasya anandiva
    Kelas 7 Raden intan

    1.The first day of the week is monday

    2.The Seventh day of the week is sunday

    3.It is sunday,yesterday was saturday

    4.The second month of the year is february

    5.It is march now,last month was february

  27. Nama: Hafidz Alfaruq
    Kelas:Vll Raden inten
    1. The first day of the week is monday
    2. The seventh day of the week is Sunday
    3. It is sunday,yesterday was Saturday
    4. The second month of the year is February
    5. It is March now,last month was Fe

  28. Nama:Tsabat Muyassar Syafiq
    Kelas:Vll Radin Intan

    1. The first day of the week is monday
    2. The seventh day of the week is Sunday
    3. It is sunday, yesterday was Saturday
    4. The second month of the year is February
    5. It is March now, last month was February

  29. Nama:M.Raditya.a.f
    Kelas:7 Raden intan


  30. Nama:M.Syafiq al-ghifari
    Kelas:Vll Radin Intan

    1. The first day of the week is monday
    2. The seventh day of the week is Sunday
    3. It is sunday, yesterday was Saturday
    4. The second month of the year is February
    5. It is March now, last month was February

  31. Nama:Umar Fajri Muhammad
    Kelas: 7 Radin intan


  32. Nama:M.Fariz Sanjaya
    Kelas:VII Raden Intan


  33. Nama:Muhammad Hilmy Fathan Ramadhan
    Kelas:Vll Radin Intan

    1. The first day of the week is monday
    2. The seventh day of the week is Sunday
    3. It is sunday, yesterday was Saturday
    4. The second month of the year is February
    5. It is March now, last month was February

  34. Nama :Daniyal Fathulloh
    Kelas:7 Radin inten

    1. The first day of the week is monday

    2. The seventh day of the week is sunday

    3.It is sunday, yesterday was saturday

    4. The second month of the year is february

    5. It is March now, last month was February

  35. Nama : Rezky fairus adriansyah
    Kelas : VII Radin inten

    1. The first day of the week is Monday
    2. The seventh day of the week is Sunday
    3. It is Sunday, yesterday was Saturday
    4. The second month of the year is February
    5. It is March now,last month was February

  36. Nama Daffa Attaya ibni romadhoni
    Kelas 7 Raden intan

    1. The first day of the week is monday
    2. The seventh day of the week is Sunday
    3. It is sunday, yesterday was Saturday
    4. The second month of the year is February
    5. It is March now, last month was February

  37. Nama: ElangRamadhan
    Kelas:vii Raden inten

    1. The first day of the week is monday
    2. The seventh day of the week is Sunday
    3. It is sunday, yesterday was Saturday
    4. The second month of the year is February
    5. It is March now, last month was February

  38. Nama:iqbal alamsyah
    Kelas:VII Raden Intan

    1. The first day of the week is monday
    2. The seventh day of the week is Sunday
    3. It is sunday,yesterday was Saturday
    4. The second month of the year is February
    5. It is March now,last month was February

  39. Nama:muhammad tilmisani fauzi
    Kelas 7 raden inten

    1. The first day of the week is monday
    2. The seventh day of the week is sunday
    3. It is sunday, yesterday was saturday
    4. The second month of the year is February
    5. It is March now, last month was February

  40. Nama:Amir aminnullah
    Kelas:VII Raden intan


  41. Nama:Muafi bihaqi adli
    Kelas:VII RI

    1. The first day of the week is monday
    2. The seventh day of the week is Sunday
    3. It is sunday,yesterday was Saturday
    4. The second month of the year is February
    5. It is March now,last month was February

  42. Nama :Fathoni ibadurrahman suyuthi
    Kelas :7 Raden inten




Perjalanan hidup manusia berputar seperti roda. Suatu saat akan berhenti, bila telah tiba di tujuan. Namun, adakalanya roda itupun berhenti karena hambatan. Hidup beserta masalah adalah lumrah. Memang demikian adanya. Hidup tanpa masalah mungkin juga ada. Akan tetapi, itulah masalahnya, mengapa bisa tidak ada masalah? Normalkah?

Maka kembali pada bagaimana kita menyikapi. Terbelit dalam kerumitan, pikirkanlah solusi; bukan kesulitannya. Karena hal ini akan menjelma beban.

Serahkan pada sang Penguasa semesta, karena Allah swt maha berkehendak. Entah bagaimana penyelesaiannya, terkadang tak pernah sedikitpun terbayang dalam pikiran. Lantas untuk apa lagi ragu? Bila tak sanggup membina diri, bersama iman dan taqwa padaNya, tunggulah kebinasaan itu dari jalan yang tak disangka -sangka.

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