Rabu, 30 September 2020

Interrogative Sentences


By: Desma Hariyanti, S. Pd.

Kalimat interogatif adalah kalimat tanya. Sama seperti pada Bahasa Indonesia, untuk mengawalinya harus ditambahkan kata tanya di depan kalimat.

Mudahnya dalam Bahasa Inggris, tinggal memindahkan posisi to be nya saja. Yuk kita lihat contoh.

Contoh 1:

Kalimat positif:

She is a student. (Dia seorang siswa)

Kalimat negatif, tinggal tambahkan not, setelah to be (is):

She is not a student.

Kemudian bagaimana dengan kalimat tanya/ interrogative sentence?

Pindahkan to be is ke awal kalimat, kemudian tambahkan subjek dan kata bendanya.

Is she a student?

Mudah kan?

Kita lihat contoh berikutnya.

Contoh 2:

(+) They are my friends.

(-) They are not my friends.

Maka, kalimat tanya/ interrogative sentence nya adalah:

(?) Are they my friends?

Sekarang biar lebih yakin, kita tengok contoh ke 3 ya.

Contoh 3:

(+) I am handsome. (waaah...pede sekali..)

(-) I am not handsome. 

(?) am I handsome? (naah, mulai ragu dia..)

Hanya memindahkan to be (is, am, are) ke depan kalimat.

Sehingga rumusnya adalah:

Interrogative sentences:

To be (is, am, are) + Subject + object, noun, adjective, adverb.

Baiklah, mari dicoba mengerjakan latihan soal di bawah ini. Buatlah bentuk interrogative sentencesnya!

1. They are my teachers.

2. We are young learners.

3. You are smart student.

4. He is my uncle.

5. Yolanda is my aunt.

Seperti biasa, jawab di kolom komentar. Tuliskan nama dan kelas ya.

Good luck!

Keep spirit in learning English.

44 komentar:

  1. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  2. Name: Umar Fajri Muhammad

    1.are they my teacher?
    2.are we young learners?
    3.are you smart student?
    4.is he my uncle?
    5.is Yolanda my aunt?

  3. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.


  4. Nama: daffa Attaya ibni romadhoni
    Kelas 7 Raden intan

    1.are they my teachers?

    2.are we young learners?

    3.are you smart student?

    4.is he a my uncle?

    5.whats is your aunt's name?

  5. Royyan ilhami fajar
    7Raden intan

    1.are they my teacher?
    2.are we young learners?
    3.are you smart student?
    4.is he my uncle?
    5.is Yolanda my aunt?

  6. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  7. Name: Ridho Tri Syaputra
    Kelas: Vll(Raden Intan)

    1.are they my teacher?
    2.are we young learners?
    3.are you smart student?
    4.is he my uncle?
    5.is Yolanda my aunt?

  8. Daniyal Fathulloh
    Kelas 7 Radin Inten
    1. Are they my teacher's?
    2. Are we young learners?
    3. Are you smart student?
    4. Is he my uncle?
    5. Is Yolanda my aunt?

  9. Fajar Fernando
    Kelas VII Radin Intan

    1. Are they my teacher?

    2. Are we young learners?

    3. Are you smart student?

    4. Is he my uncle?

    5. Is Yolanda my aunt?

    Kelas:7 RI

    1.are they my teacher?
    2.are we young learners?
    3.are you smart student?
    4.is he my uncle?
    5.is Yolanda my aunt?

  11. Nama : Rezky fairus adriansyah
    Kelas : VII Radin inten

    1. Are they my teachers
    2. Are we young learners
    3. Are you smart student
    4. Is he my uncle
    5. Is Yolanda my aunt

  12. M.Fariz Sanjaya
    VII Raden Intan
    1.Are they my teacher?
    2.Are we young learners?
    3.Are you smart student?
    4.Is he my Uncle?
    5.Is Yolanda my aunt?

  13. Amir aminnullah
    kelas VII RI

    1.Are they my teachers?
    2.Are we young learners?
    3.are you smart student?
    4.is he my uncle
    5.is yolanda my aunt?

  14. Daffa ibrahim
    Kelas 7 RADEN INTAN


  15. Nama:M.Raditya.a.f
    Kelas:7 raden intan

    1.are they my teacher?

    2.are we young learners?

    3.are you smart student?

    4.is he my uncle?

    5.is yolanda my aunt?

  16. Nama :Fathoni ibadurrahman suyuthi
    Kelas :7 Raden inten

    1.Are they my teacher?
    2.Are we young learners?
    3.Are you smart student?
    4.is he my uncle?
    5.is yolanda my aunt?

  17. Nama:muhammad tilmisani fauzi
    Kelas:7 reden inten
    1.are they my teacher?
    2.are we young learners?
    3.are you smart student?
    4.is he my uncle?
    5.is Yolanda my aunt?

  18. Nama: Hafidz Alfaruq
    1.Are they my teacher?
    2.Are we young learners?
    3.Are you smart student?
    4.is he my uncle?
    5.is Yolanda my aunt?

  19. Name: ElangRamadhan
    Kelas: Vll(Raden Intan)

    1.are they my teacher?
    2.are we young learners?
    3.are you smart student?
    4.is he my uncle?
    5.is Yolanda my aunt?

  20. Name:M.Fathurrahman Zaydan

    1.are they my teacher
    1.are they my learnes
    3.are you smart student
    4.is my uncle
    5.is yolanda my aunt

  21. Name: M Hilmy Fathan Ramadhan
    Kelas: Vll(Raden Intan)

    1.are they my teacher?
    2.are we young learners?
    3.are you smart student?
    4.is he my uncle?
    5.is Yolanda my aunt?

  22. Name : Alfi Nur Rachman
    Class : 7 Raden intan

    1.are they my teacher?
    2.are we young learners?
    3.are you smart student?
    4.is he my uncle?
    5.is Yolanda my aunt?

  23. Oh, it is really good. All of you can do the task well. Alhamdulillah.

  24. naura luthfiyah hanun
    cut meutia

    1.are they my taecher?
    2.are we young learners?
    3.are you smart student?
    4.is he my uncle?
    5.is yolanda my aunt

  25. Nama aisyah Qonitah
    Kelas 7 cut mutia

    1.are they my teacher?
    2.are we young learners?
    3.are you smart student?
    4.is he my uncle?
    5.is Yolanda my aunt?


  26. Nama : Riza Azzahra
    Kelas : VII CUT MEUTIA

    1.are they my teacher?

    2.are we young learners?

    3.are you smart student?

    4.is he my uncle?

    5.is yolanda my aunt?

  27. Shireen Amini Jasmine
    Cut Meutia

    1.are they my teacher?
    2.are we young learners?
    3.are you smart student?
    4.is he my uncle?
    5.is Yolanda my aunt?

  28. Nama:Iynas Syafiqoh Hasanah
    Kelas:7 Cut Meutia

    1.are they my teacher?
    2.are we young learners?
    3.are you smart student
    4.is he my uncle?
    5.is yolanda my aunt?

  29. Name : Afiqah Syakirah Adhani
    Class : VII Cut Meutia

    1. Are they my teachers?

    2. Are we young learners?

    3. Are you smart student?

    4. Is he my uncle?

    5. Is Yolanda my aunt?

  30. Nama: Hani Fadila
    Kelas: 7 Cut Meutia
    1. Are they my teacher?
    2. Are we young learners?
    3. Are you smart student?
    4. Is he my uncle?
    5. Is Yolanda my aunt?

  31. •Nama:Haura syarifa
    •Kelas:7 Cut Meutia

    1.Are they my teacher?
    2.Are we young learners?
    3.Are you smart student?
    4.Is he my uncle?
    5.Is Yolanda my aunt?


  32. Nama : alfenia nasyitha azka
    Kelas: 7 cut Meutia

    1. Are they my teacher?
    2. Are we young learners?
    3. Are you smart student?
    4. is he my uncle?
    5. is Yolanda my aunt?

  33. 1.+they are my teachers
    -they are not my teachers
    ? Are they my teachers?
    2.+ We are young learners
    -we are not young learners
    ? Are we young learners?
    3.+ you are smart student
    -you are not smart student
    ? Are you smart student?
    4.+he is my uncle
    -he is not my uncle
    ? Is he my uncle?
    5.+ Yolanda is my aunt
    -Yolanda is not my aunt
    ? Is Yolanda my aunt?

    ZAIYDA Aisyah azzahra 7 cut Meutia

  34. Nama : adzka zakiyya wafa
    Kelas : VII cut meutia

    1. Are they my teachers ?

    2. Are we young learners ?

    3. Are you smart student ?

    4. Is he my uncle ?

    5. Is Yolanda my aunt ?

  35. Name : Khajra Azizah Aiqona
    Class : VII Cut Meutia

    1. (+) They are my teachers.
    (-) They are not my teachers.
    (?) Are they my teachers?

    2. (+) We are young learners.
    (-) We are not young learners.
    (?) Are we young learners?

    3. (+) You are smart student.
    (-) You are not smart student.
    (?) Are you smart student?

    4. (+) He is my uncle.
    (-) He is not my uncle.
    (?) Is he my uncle?

    5. (+) Yolanda is my aunt.
    (-) Yolanda is not my aunt.
    (?) Is Yolanda my aunt?

  36. 1.are they my teacher?
    2.are we young learners?
    3.are you smart student?
    4.is he my uncle?
    5.is yolanda my aunt?
    Nama:keisya khoirunnisa wardah
    Kelas:Vll cut meutia

  37. Name : Callysta Anindya Firdausy
    Class : 7 Cut Meutia

    1. Are they my teachers ?
    2. Are we young learners ?
    3. Are you smart student ?
    4. Is he my uncle ?
    5. Is Yolanda my aunt ?

  38. Nama:Jaida'Zahwa
    Kelas:VII Cut Meutia

    1.Are then my teachers?
    2.Are we young learners?
    3.Are you smart student?
    4.Is he my uncle?
    5.Is Yolanda my aunt?

  39. Nama:Avinzalauraverlita
    Kelas:VII cut meutia

    1.Are then my teachers?

    2.Are we young learners?

    3.Are you smart student?

    4.Is he my uncle?

    5.Is yolanda my aunt?

    Terimakasih banyak ustadzah
    Maaf kalo avinza ada yang salah

  40. Are then my teacher?
    Are we young learners?
    Are you smart student?
    Is he my uncle?
    Is yolanda my aunt?

    Anisah rihadatul'aisy

  41. Name:Fina Nailatul Izzah
    Class:VII Cut Meutia

    1.Are then my teachhers?
    2.Are we young learners?
    3.Are you smart student?
    4.Is he my uncle?
    5.Is yolanda my aunt?


  42. Name : Alya prasidina syahri
    Class:VII Cut Meutia

    1.are then my teachers?
    2.are we young leaners?
    3.Are you smart student?
    4.is he my Uncle?
    5.is yolanda my aung?

  43. Mufidah Qanitah
    7 Cut Meutia

    1. are then my teachers?
    2. are we young learners?
    3. are you smart student?
    4. is he my uncle?
    5. is yolanda my aunt?

  44. Nama : Senda Hanifa
    Kelas : 7 CM

    1. Are then my teachers?
    2. Are we young learners?
    3. Are you smart student?
    4. Is he my uncle?
    5. Is Yolanda my aunt?



Perjalanan hidup manusia berputar seperti roda. Suatu saat akan berhenti, bila telah tiba di tujuan. Namun, adakalanya roda itupun berhenti karena hambatan. Hidup beserta masalah adalah lumrah. Memang demikian adanya. Hidup tanpa masalah mungkin juga ada. Akan tetapi, itulah masalahnya, mengapa bisa tidak ada masalah? Normalkah?

Maka kembali pada bagaimana kita menyikapi. Terbelit dalam kerumitan, pikirkanlah solusi; bukan kesulitannya. Karena hal ini akan menjelma beban.

Serahkan pada sang Penguasa semesta, karena Allah swt maha berkehendak. Entah bagaimana penyelesaiannya, terkadang tak pernah sedikitpun terbayang dalam pikiran. Lantas untuk apa lagi ragu? Bila tak sanggup membina diri, bersama iman dan taqwa padaNya, tunggulah kebinasaan itu dari jalan yang tak disangka -sangka.

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