Kamis, 21 November 2019

Descriptive Text Presentation

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  2. Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
    Oke, students, please answer some questions below in the comment column.

    1. What is the descriptive text?
    2. What are the generic structure of the descriptive text?
    3. Please choose one animal, then make a descriptive text at least 7 sentences!

    Please write your complete name and class. Thankyou verymuch.

  3. 1. a paragraph that contains a clear and detailed description of an object, place, or event to the reader. So that readers seem to see and feel for themselves what the author describes.

    2.identifikasi &deskripsi
    3.I have a cat, my cat is named Leo, he is orange, cute, 5 months old, in the very tribe if his head is clipped, he has a brother named Tiger they really like to play together

    Nama=zaiyda Aisya Azzahra VII cut Meutia

  4. 1. A description is a paragraph that contains a clear and detailed description of an object, place, or event to the reader.

    🇮🇩Indonesia : Deskripsi adalah paragraf yang berisi deskripsi yang jelas dan rinci tentang suatu objek, tempat, atau peristiwa kepada pembaca.

    2. consists of four basic elements, namely title, identification, classification, and description.

    🇮🇩Indonesia : Terdiri dari empat elemen dasar yaitu judul, identifikasi, klasifikasi, dan deskripsi.

    3. Fish
    -Fish live in water
    -The fish have fins
    -fish to swim
    -fish have scales
    -ikan breathes with gills

    🇮🇩Indonesia : Ikan
    -Ikan hidup di air
    -Ikan memiliki sirip
    -ikan berenang
    -ikan memiliki sisik
    -ikan bernafas dengan insang

    Name : Afiqah Syakirah Adhani
    Class : VII CUT MEUTIA (B)

  5. name : raysha adzkania
    class : 7 cut meutia

    1. descriptive text is a kind of text wich describes particular person , thing , place , and animal in details.
    2. description : to describes particular person , thing , animal , and public place being described.
    identification : to introduce a text.
    3. my lovely cat (lulu)
    i have a stray cat as my pet. he name is lulu. he us really play full , he loved to play with me. he has grey and black fur, his fur is soOo soft and i like to rubs it form him. he has a short tail. i also like to hold him in my hand, when i hold him like that he will fall asleep. and now it's just memories. 1 year ago he left me. i was so sad and i miss him.

  6. Nama:Haura Syarifa
    VII CM (b)

    1. Identification (indication) is preliminary, in the form of a general description of a topic. 2. Description (description) contains the special characteristics of the object, place, or person being described.

    -part description

    -I have a rabbit.

    -His fur is white and has black spots.

    -He has long ears and a short tail. He also has cute red big eyes!

    -My rabbit likes to eat carrot and other vegetables.

    -When I release my rabbit out of his cage, he used to jump everywhere and hard to catch.

    - So, I could just put him on his cage because I'm afraid that he might running away.

    -I don't wanna lost my rabbit because I love him very much.


  7. 1. Descriptive Text is a text which says what a person or a thing is like. Its purpose is to describe and reveal a particular person, place, or thing.
    Most descriptive text is about visual experience, but in fact the experience other than the sense of sight, we can also use it to make descriptive text.

    2.Consists of four basic elements, namely title,identification, classification,and description.

    3. Giraffe is the kind of mammal which lives in Africa. It has long legs and neck with spots on its body and hooves. It also has a horn-like ossicones on its head. This animal normally eats leaves and fruits

  8. Nama:meisya zahfira
    VII CM (b)

    1. a paragraph that contains a clear and detailed description of an object, place, or event to the reader. So that readers seem to see and feel for themselves what the author describes.

    2.identifikasi &deskripsi
    3.Lions is a wild animal.Their a big animal,their faster.And has a long tail their has a sharp fangs and big.Lions always hunt animal like a deer,sheep,etc.Be carefull with lions their eat a meat and lions can hurt you if you disturb their.Lions is always with their crowd and their rarely release their prey.If you meet lions be carefull dont disturb their or you can be hurt.

  9. Nama : alfenia nasyitha Azka
    Kelas : 7 cut meutia

    1. Description text is a type of text. This text contains a detailed description of an object. The objects are various, such as people, places, and things. The purpose of the text description is as if it has felt what the author wrote
    2. The description text structure consists of four basic elements, namely title, identification, classification and description.
    3. my beloved cat (moeza)
    Moeza is a cat with orange hair
    moeza is sweet, funny,

  10. 1.Descriptive Text is a text which says what a person or a thing is like. Its purpose is to describe and reveal a particular person, place, or thing. ...

    2.Descriptive Text is one type of text in English that clearly describes the properties attached to something, be it humans, animals, plants or inanimate objects.

    3.Lions is a wild animal.Their a big animal,their faster.And has a long tail their has a sharp fangs and big.Lions always hunt animal like a deer,sheep,etc.Be carefull with lions their eat a meat and lions can hurt you if you disturb their.Lions is always with their crowd and their rarely release their prey.If you meet lions be carefull dont disturb their or you can be hurt Almost the same as cats and tigers


  11. 1. a paragraph that contains a clear and detailed description of an object, place, or event to the reader. So that readers seem to see and feel for themselves what the author describes.

    2.identifikasi &deskripsi

    3.I have a cat, my cat is named Leo, he is orange, cute, 5 months old, in the very tribe if his head is clipped, he has a brother named Tiger they really like to play together

    Naura luthfiyah hanun
    Cut meutia

  12. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  13. 1.what is descriptive text:
    In conclusion, the meaning of descriptive text is a paragraph that contains a clear and detailed description of an object, place, or event to the reader. So that readers seem to see and feel for themselves what the author describes.

    2.what is the general structure of the descriptive text:
    The description text structure consists of four basic elements, namely title, identification, classification and description. These elements build a detailed description of an object, place or event.

    3.Select an animal, then create descriptive text of at least 7 sentences:
    -Fish live in water 
    -The fish have fins 
    -fish to swim 
    -fish have scales 
    -ikan breathes with gills

    Nama:Iynas Syafiqoh Hasanah
    kelas7 Cut Meutia

  14. Name : Alya Prasidina Syahri
    Class: 7 Cut Meutia (B)

    1.descriptive text is a text wich says what a person or a thing is like.its purpose is to describe and reveal a particular person,place,or thing.

    2.namely title,identification, classification,and description

    3.My catfish
    - He lives in fresh water
    - He has a slippery body
    - He has a long mustache at the end of hiss mouth
    - he has no scales
    - He is a carnivore
    - he breathes through the gills
    - And he looks for food at night

  15. Nama : adzka Zakiyya wafa
    Kelas : VII cut meutia (A)

    Jawaban :

    1. A paragraph that contains a clear and detailed description of an objeck, place or event to the reader

    🇮🇩 Indonesia : paragraf yang berisi penggambaran suatu obyek, tempat atau peristiwa tertentu kepada pembaca secara jelas dan terperinci

    2. Consists of four elements,namely title, identification, classification, and description.

    🇮🇩 Indonesia : terdiri atas empat elemen yaitu judul, identifikasi, klasifikasi, dan deskripsi.

    3. Elephant
    -his body was resistant to ants
    -herbivorous animal
    -have a large body
    -has four legs
    -has two wide ears
    -has a long trunk
    -has ivory

    🇮🇩 Indonesia :
    -tubuhnya tahan terhadap gigitan
    - hewan herbivora
    -mempunyai tubuh yg besar
    -memiliki 4 kaki
    - mempunyai 2 telinga yang lebar
    - memiliki belalai yang panjang
    -mempunyai gading

  16. Nama: Hani Fadila
    Kelas: 7 Cut Meutia
    1. Descriptive text is text that describes the description of a person or object. Its purpose is to describe or reveal a particular person, place or thing.
    It can also be said that Descriptive text is a text that describes what the person or thing described is like, its shape, properties, numbers and so on.

    2. The description text structure consists of four basic elements, namely title, identification, classification and description. These elements build a detailed description of an object, place or event

    3. Kelinci (Rabbit)
    ~Rabbits are mammals from the Leporidae family, which can be found in many parts of the earth. Rabbits reproduce by means of a child called vivipar. Formerly, this animal is a wild animal that lived in Africa to mainland Europe. ... Today a number of types of rabbits are used as pets and meat animals.

    Characteristics of rabbits:
    1. have sharp eyes.
    function to find prey at night
    2. have a mission.
    serves to determine the direction when walking in a dark room or in the middle of the night
    3. has smooth pads on the soles of its feet.
    serves to reduce the sound of his footsteps in walking
    4. eyeballs that are smaller and bigger.
    serves to regulate the incoming light
    5. Balance tool on the ear.
    serves to adjust the balance of hearing

  17. 1. Conclusion, what is meant by descriptive text is a paragraph that contains a clear and detailed description of an object, place, or event to the reader. So that readers seem to see and feel for themselves what the author describes.
    2. The structure of the descriptive text consists of basic elements, namely title, description, classification and description.
    3. Cats.
    Cats are adorable animals.
    It reproduces by oviparous or by laying eggs.
    She is a mammal which means she is breastfeeding her child.
    He has a mustache on his face and thick fur.
    Cats have many types. For example, domestic cats, Persians and others.
    Cats live on the plains.
    He is an animal that we can maintain at home.
    Cats are also carnivores.
    And that was just a few descriptions of this furry animal. So if there is a mistake it can be corrected.

    Anisah Rihadatul'Aisy
    7 Cut Meutia

  18. 1. Description text is a paragraph that contains a clear and detailed description of an object, place, or event to the reader. So that readers seem to see and feel for themselves what the author describes.

    2. The description text structure consists of four basic elements, namely title, identification, classification and description. These elements build a detailed description of an object, place or event.

    3. Rabbit

    Rabbit is a small sized mammal with thick fur and long ears. Their ears are the most noticeable characteristic from this animal.

    With those ears they could hear better and recognize voices of their predators. Rabbits have powerful legs, they move by hopping. Some species of rabbit can reach speeds up to 70 kilometers per hour. While for young rabbits, they tend to walk instead of hop.

    Name : Callysta Anindya Firdausy
    Class : 7 Cut Meutia

  19. Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh....

    1. Description text is aparagraph of on object, place.

    2. Description text consists identification ,description

    ~ have mimicry abilities
    ~ have a long tail
    ~ has a long tongue
    ~ has strong gripping legs
    ~ can creep

    Name : avinza laura verlita
    Class : VII / 7 cut meutia
    ROOM : B

    Wassalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh....

  20. Nama : Fina Nailatul Izzah
    kelas : 7 Cut Meutia

    -1.the definition of description is a paragraph that contains a clear and detailed description of an object,place,or event to the reader.so that readers seem to see and feel for themselves what the author describes.

    indo =pengertian deskripsi adalah paragraf yg berisi penggambaran,suatu obyek,tempat,atau peristiwa tertentu kepada pembaca secara jelas dan terperinci.sehingga pembaca seolah-olah melihat n merasakan sendiri apa yg dideskripsikan oleh penulis

    -2.the description text structire consists of four basic elements,namely title,identification,classification and description

    indo = Struktur teks deskripsi terdiri atas 4 alemen dasar yaitu judul,identifikasi,klasifikasi,dan deskripsi

    -lives in water
    -breath with gills
    -has quite sharp teeth
    -reproduce by enggs
    -has a tail
    -and have fins

    indo = -hidup didalam air
    -bernafas dgn insang
    -memiliki gigi yg ckup tajam
    -berkembangbiak dgn menelur
    -memiliki ekor
    -dan memiliki sirip


  21. 1.)A description is a paragraph that contains a clear and detailed description of an object, place, or event to the reader. So that readers seem to see and feel for themselves what the author describes

    2.)The description text structure consists of four basic elements, namely title, identification, classification and description. These elements build a detailed description of an object, place or event.

    1.have sharp teeth
    2.have a loud voice
    3.have a large body
    4.carnivorous animal
    5.his life in the forest
    6.wild animals
    7.has colorful

    Nama:keisya khoirunnisa wardah
    Kelas:7 cut meutia

  22. Mufidah Wanita
    7 CM

    1. Descriptive Text is a text which says what a person or a thing is like. Its purpose is to describe and reveal a particular person, place, or thing. ... Most descriptive text is about visual experience, but in fact the experience other than the sense of sight, we can also use it to make descriptive text.

    2.The description text structure consists of four basic elements, namely title, identification, classification and description. These elements build a detailed description of an object, place or event.

    3.Elephants are the largest land animal in the world. They are from Asia and Africa. They are herbivores. They eat grass, leaves, branches and fruit. An elephant has a big body with four legs. It has large but thin ears and small eyes. It also has one long nose called trunk. It uses the trunk to lift the food. Its skin is grey and hairless. It has a short tail. Their habitat is usually in the forest or in the zoo. The elephants are strong animals. They can carry heavy loads.

  23. Nama:Jaida'Zahwa
    1.Description text is a paragraph that contains a clear and detailed description of an object, place, or event to the reader
    2.the description text structire consists of four basic elements,namely title,identification,classification and description
    3.the characteristics of a cat animal
    -has a mustache
    -has a long ears
    -has a long tail
    -has brushing nails on the hair of his feet
    -has a sharp sense of smell

  24. Nama: shireen amini jasmine
    Kelas: 7 cut meutia

    1. descriptive text is a kind of text wich describes particular person,thing,place,and animal in details.
    2. description:to describes particular person,thing , animal,and public place being described.
    identification:to introduce a text.
    3.Panda is a bear native to south central China. It is easily recognized by the large, distinctive black patches around its eyes, over the ears, and across its round body. Though it belongs to the order Carnivora, Panda’s diet is over 99% bamboo.

    Panda has luxuriant black-and-white fur. Adults measure around 1.2 to 1.9 m long, including a tail of about 10–15 cm, and 60 to 90 cm tall at the shoulder. Males can weigh up to 160 kg, and Females (generally 10–20% smaller than males) can weigh as little as 70 kg, but can also weigh up to 125 kg. Average adult weight is 100 to 115 kg.

  25. naura ayla muzdalifah
    7 cut meutia

    1. descriptive text is a kind of text wich describes particular person,thing,place,and animal in details.
    2. description:to describes particular person,thing , animal,and public place being described.
    3. Fish is an animal that live in the water. Fish can live in the water because it's take a breath with the it's gill. Fish has a fins that could help it to swim. Fish continue it's generation by laying an eggs. Adult fish can give a birth to many fish at once, that's why the fish never extinct. There are many kinds of fish that usually used as a decoration or be processed to be human's food
    identification:to introduce a text.

  26. ElangRamadhan
    1.text that describes something
    2.identificatiin, explanation
    3.Monkey is the term for all members of primates who are not prosimia ("pre-apes", such as lemurs and tarsiers) or apes, both living in the Old World and the New World. ... Monkeys are animals that can sit or stand upright. Unlike apes, monkeys usually have a tail and are smaller in size.

    i have a story.
    I have a lizard his name is Joseph Stalin.when i meet him for the first time
    In agung mosque.he was so skinny.and i take care of him until he die 😞

  27. Nama: Iqbal alamsyah
    Kelas: 7 Raden intan
    1. descriptive text is a kind of text wich describes particular person,thing,place,and animal in details.
    2. description:to describes particular person,thing , animal,and public place being described.
    3. Fish is an animal that live in the water. Fish can live in the water because it's take a breath with the it's gill. Fish has a fins that could help it to swim. Fish continue it's generation by laying an eggs. Adult fish can give a birth to many fish at once, that's why the fish never extinct. There are many kinds of fish that usually used as a decoration or be processed to be human's food
    identification:to introduce a text.

  28. 1. a paragraph that contains a clear and detailed description of an object, place, or event to the reader. So that readers seem to see and feel for themselves what the author describes.

    2.identifikasi &deskripsi
    3.I have a cat, my cat is named hessy, he is Black,whiteand,orange, cute, 5 months old, in the very tribe if his head is clipped, he has a brother named cimol they really like to play together

    Nama:Muhammad Hilmy Fathan R
    Kelas:7Raden Intan

  29. 1. A description is a paragraph that contains a clear and detailed description of an object, place, or event to the reader.

    🇮🇩Indonesia : Deskripsi adalah paragraf yang berisi deskripsi yang jelas dan rinci tentang suatu objek, tempat, atau peristiwa kepada pembaca.

    2. consists of four basic elements, namely title, identification, classification, and description.

    🇮🇩Indonesia : Terdiri dari empat elemen dasar yaitu judul, identifikasi, klasifikasi, dan deskripsi.

    3. Fish
    -Fish live in water
    -The fish have fins
    -fish to swim
    -fish have scales
    -ikan breathes with gills

    🇮🇩Indonesia : Ikan
    -Ikan hidup di air
    -Ikan memiliki sirip
    -ikan berenang
    -ikan memiliki sisik
    -ikan bernafas dengan insang

    Name : Ridho Tri Syaputra
    Class : VII Raden Intan"GENAP"

  30. 1. A description is a paragraph that contains a clear and detailed description of an object, place, or event to the reader.

    🇮🇩Indonesia : Deskripsi adalah paragraf yang berisi deskripsi yang jelas dan rinci tentang suatu objek, tempat, atau peristiwa kepada pembaca.

    2. consists of four basic elements, namely title, identification, classification, and description.

    🇮🇩Indonesia : Terdiri dari empat elemen dasar yaitu judul, identifikasi, klasifikasi, dan deskripsi.

    3. Fish
    -Fish live in water
    -The fish have fins
    -fish to swim
    -fish have scales
    -ikan breathes with gills

    🇮🇩Indonesia : Ikan
    -Ikan hidup di air
    -Ikan memiliki sirip
    -ikan berenang
    -ikan memiliki sisik
    -ikan bernafas dengan insang

    Name : Alfi Nur Rachman
    Class : VII Raden Intan

  31. Royyan ilhmi fajar

    1.description is a paragraph that contains a clear and detailed description of an object, place, or event to the reader.

    2.title, identification, classification, and description.

    3.They are small rodents with pointed noses, hairy rounded bodies, big ears and a long, hairless tail. They are made of various colors and sizes. Some common colors of rats are white, brown and gray.

  32. Nama:M.Hafidz Rizki Ramadhan ponahan
    Kelas: 7 RADEN INTEN

    1. descriptive text is a kind of text wich describes particular person,thing,place,and animal in details.
    2. description:to describes particular person,thing , animal,and public place being described.
    identification:to introduce a text.
    3.Panda is a bear native to south central China. It is easily recognized by the large, distinctive black patches around its eyes, over the ears, and across its round body. Though it belongs to the order Carnivora, Panda’s diet is over 99% bamboo.
    Panda has luxuriant black-and-white fur. Adults measure around 1.2 to 1.9 m long, including a tail of about 10–15 cm, and 60 to 90 cm tall at the shoulder. Males can weigh up to 160 kg, and Females (generally 10–20% smaller than males) can weigh as little as 70 kg, but can also weigh up to 125 kg. Average adult weight is 100 to 115 kg.

  33. Nama:Hafidz Alfaruq
    Kls:Vll Raden inten

    1. A paragraph that contains a clear and detailed description of an objeck, place or event to the reader

    🇮🇩 Indonesia : paragraf yang berisi penggambaran suatu obyek, tempat atau peristiwa tertentu kepada pembaca secara jelas dan terperinci

    2. Consists of four elements,namely title, identification, classification, and description.

    🇮🇩 Indonesia : terdiri atas empat elemen yaitu judul, identifikasi, klasifikasi, dan deskripsi.

    3. Elephant
    -his body was resistant to ants
    -herbivorous animal
    -have a large body
    -has four legs
    -has two wide ears
    -has a long trunk
    -has ivory

    🇮🇩 Indonesia :
    -tubuhnya tahan terhadap gigitan
    - hewan herbivora
    -mempunyai tubuh yg besar
    -memiliki 4 kaki
    - mempunyai 2 telinga yang lebar
    - memiliki belalai yang panjang
    -mempunyai gading

  34. 1. A description is a paragraph that contains a clear and detailed description of an object, place, or event to the reader.

    Indonesia : Deskripsi adalah paragraf yang berisi deskripsi yang jelas dan rinci tentang suatu objek, tempat, atau peristiwa kepada pembaca.

    2. consists of four basic elements, namely title, identification, classification, and description.

    Indonesia : Terdiri dari empat elemen dasar yaitu judul, identifikasi, klasifikasi, dan deskripsi.

    3. Fish
    -Fish live in water
    -The fish have fins
    -fish to swim
    -fish have scales
    -ikan breathes with gills

    Indonesia : Ikan
    -Ikan hidup di air
    -Ikan memiliki sirip
    -ikan berenang
    -ikan memiliki sisik
    -ikan bernafas dengan insang

    Name : Daniyal Fathulloh
    Class : VII Raden Intan

  35. Nama:M.Raditya.a.f
    Kelas:7 Raden intan

    1. A paragraph that contains a clear and detailed description of an objeck, place or event to the reader

    Indonesia : Deskripsi adalah paragraf yang berisi deskripsi yang jelas dan rinci tentang suatu objek, tempat, atau peristiwa kepada pembaca.

    2. consists of four basic elements, namely title, identification, classification, and description.

    Indonesia : Terdiri dari empat elemen dasar yaitu judul, identifikasi, klasifikasi, dan deskripsi.

    3. Fish
    -Fish live in water
    -The fish have fins
    -fish to swim
    -fish have scales
    -ikan breathes with gills

    Indonesia : Ikan
    -Ikan hidup di air
    -Ikan memiliki sirip
    -ikan berenang
    -ikan memiliki sisik
    -ikan bernafas dengan insang

  36. 1.a paragraph that container a clear detailed description of an object
    2.Introduction, deskripsi, cloklution
    3.I hire a cat my cat is dego, dego has orange fur, it is veriy fat, it is a kind of mencontohkan cat, dego always sleep in it's cage
    Nama: daffa attaya ibni Romadhoni
    Kelas :7 raden inten

  37. 1.A description is a paragraph that contains a clear and detailed description of an object,place,or event to the reader

    Indonesia : Deskripsi adalah paragraf yg berisi deskripsi yg jelas dan rinci tentang suatu objek,tempat,atau peristiwa kepada pembaca

    2.Consist of four basic elements,namely title,identification,clasification,and description

    Indonesia : Terdiri dari 4 elemen dasar yaitu judul,identifikasi,klarifikasi,dan deskripsi

    3 Fish
    Fish live in water
    The fish have fins
    Fish to swim
    Fish have scales
    Fish breathes with gills

    Indonesia :Ikan
    Ikan hidup di air
    Ikan mempunyai sirip
    Ikan berenang
    Ikan memiliki sisik
    Ikan bernafas dgn ingsang

    Name : Amir aminnullah
    Class : VII Raden intan

  38. NAME:M.Fariz Sanjaya
    Class:VII Raden Intan

    1.Descriptive text is explation about something likes animal in detail

    2.Generic stucture of the descrriptive text are:
    -Description 1
    -Description 2
    -Description 3

    -It's has a big body
    -It's has four legs
    -It's has long tail
    -It's has fore udder
    -It's has two horn
    -We can get milk from cow

  39. Name: Umar Fajri Muhammad
    Class: 7 radin inten
    1.Describe Something object
    2.introduction, description,conclusion
    3. It is a cat.Cat is an animal
    It has 4 lega
    It has 2 big ears
    Cat has beautiful eyes
    It has a long tail and mustache
    The cat also has soft fur
    I like cat

  40. Name: Fathoni ibadurrahman suyuthi
    Class: 7 Raden inten

    1.describe an object in detail and clearly

    2.introduction, description, and conclusion

    3.i see a cat in mosque,
    He have a 2 blue eyes,
    He have a very long mustache,
    He have black fur,
    He have short tail,
    He have 4 legs, and
    He have a pair of big ears,
    I like this cat

  41. Nama:Muafi baihaqi adli
    Kelas:7 Raden intan

    1. A paragraph that contains a clear and detailed description of an objeck, place or event to the reader

    Indonesia : Deskripsi adalah paragraf yang berisi deskripsi yang jelas dan rinci tentang suatu objek, tempat, atau peristiwa kepada pembaca.

    2. consists of four basic elements, namely title, identification, classification, and description.

    Indonesia : Terdiri dari empat elemen dasar yaitu judul, identifikasi, klasifikasi, dan deskripsi.

    3. Fish
    -Fish live in water
    -The fish have fins
    -fish to swim
    -fish have scales
    -ikan breathes with gills

    Indonesia : Ikan
    -Ikan hidup di air
    -Ikan memiliki sirip
    -ikan berenang
    -ikan memiliki sisik
    -ikan bernafas dengan insang

  42. Nama:Muafi baihaqi adli
    Kelas:7 Raden intan

    1. A paragraph that contains a clear and detailed description of an objeck, place or event to the reader

    Indonesia : Deskripsi adalah paragraf yang berisi deskripsi yang jelas dan rinci tentang suatu objek, tempat, atau peristiwa kepada pembaca.

    2. consists of four basic elements, namely title, identification, classification, and description.

    Indonesia : Terdiri dari empat elemen dasar yaitu judul, identifikasi, klasifikasi, dan deskripsi.

    3. Fish
    -Fish live in water
    -The fish have fins
    -fish to swim
    -fish have scales
    -ikan breathes with gills

    Indonesia : Ikan
    -Ikan hidup di air
    -Ikan memiliki sirip
    -ikan berenang
    -ikan memiliki sisik
    -ikan bernafas dengan insang

  43. Name : Khajra Azizah Aiqona.
    Class : VII Cut Meutia (ganjil).

    1. Description text is a paragraph that contains a clear and detailed description of an object, place, or event to the reader. So that readers seem to see and feel for themselves what the author describes.

    2. The description text structure consists of four basic elements, namely title, identification, classification and description.

    3. Elephant
    - elephants are mammals.
    - elephants have two species namely the African elephant and the Asian elephant.
    - elephants reproduce by giving birth.
    - the elephant has four legs.
    - elephants have large and wide ears.
    - the elephant has a trunk so it can breathe.
    - elephants have tusks as a tool for self-defense.

  44. Name: Muhammad Hilmy Fathan Ramadhan
    Class: 7 Raden inten

    1.describe an object in detail and clearly

    2.introduction, description, and conclusion

    3.i see a cat in mosque,
    He have a 2 blue eyes,
    He have a very long mustache,
    He have black fur,
    He have short tail,
    He have 4 legs, and
    He have a pair of big ears,
    I like this cat

  45. 1. A description is a paragraph that contains a clear and detailed description of an object, place, or event to the reader.

    Indonesia : Deskripsi adalah paragraf yang berisi deskripsi yang jelas dan rinci tentang suatu objek, tempat, atau peristiwa kepada pembaca.

    2. consists of four basic elements, namely title, identification, classification, and description.

    Indonesia : Terdiri dari empat elemen dasar yaitu judul, identifikasi, klasifikasi, dan deskripsi.

    3. Fish
    -Fish live in water
    -The fish have fins
    -fish to swim
    -fish have scales
    -ikan breathes with gills

    Indonesia : Ikan
    -Ikan hidup di air
    -Ikan memiliki sirip
    -ikan berenang
    -ikan memiliki sisik
    -ikan bernafas dengan insang

  46. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  47. M.hafidz Rizki Ramadhan ponahan
    7 Raden Inten

    I have a pet cat. It’s name is Udil. It’s white and grey in color. It has lovely green eyes. It is very soft and furry. It eats fish and drinks milk. It plays with me when I come back from school. It likes to play with ball in the garden. It loves me and shows it’s love by licking me when I come back from school. It sleeps in a small basket near my bed. I love my pet very much and take care of i

  48. 1. A paragraph that contains a clear and detailed description of an objeck, place or event to the reader

    🇮🇩 Indonesia : paragraf yang berisi penggambaran suatu obyek, tempat atau peristiwa tertentu kepada pembaca secara jelas dan terperinci

    2. Consists of four elements,namely title, identification, classification, and description.

    🇮🇩 Indonesia : terdiri atas empat elemen yaitu judul, identifikasi, klasifikasi, dan deskripsi.

    3. Elephant
    -his body was resistant to ants
    -herbivorous animal
    -have a large body
    -has four legs
    -has two wide ears
    -has a long trunk
    -has ivory

    🇮🇩 Indonesia :
    -tubuhnya tahan terhadap gigitan
    - hewan herbivora
    -mempunyai tubuh yg besar
    -memiliki 4 kaki
    - mempunyai 2 telinga yang lebar
    - memiliki belalai yang panjang
    -mempunyai gading

    Nama:muhammad tilmisani fauzi
    Class:7 raden inten

  49. Nama:M.Fariz Sanjaya
    Class:VII Raden Intan

    1. A paragraph that contains a clear and detailed description of an objeck, place or event to the reader

    2. Consists of four basic elements, namely title, identification, classification, and description.

    3. Fish
    -Fish live in water
    -The fish have fins
    -Fish to swim
    -Fish have scales
    -Fish breathes with gills

  50. Nama:Hafidz Alfaruq
    Kls:Vll Raden inten

    1. A paragraph that contains a clear and detailed description of an objeck, place or event to the reader

    2. Consists of four basic elements, namely title, identification, classification, and description.

    3. Fish
    -Fish live in water
    -The fish have fins
    -Fish to swim
    -Fish have scales
    -Fish breathes with gills

  51. 1. A description is a paragraph that contains a clear and detailed description of an object, place, or event to the reader.

    Indonesia : Deskripsi adalah paragraf yang berisi penjelasan yang jelas dan rinci tentang suatu objek, tempat, atau peristiwa kepada pembaca.

    2. consists of four basic elements, namely title, identification, classification, and description.

    Indonesia : Terdiri dari empat elemen dasar yaitu judul, identifikasi, klasifikasi, dan deskripsi.

    3. Turtle
    - Turtle is a kind of reptile.
    - It has four foots with claws in shell,head,and tail.
    - Turtle live in swamp,river,etc.
    - Turtle is ovipar so they do fertilitation with egg.
    - Turtle is running slow and also amphibians.
    - Turtle is tend to have a long life.

    Nama : Daniyal Fathulloh
    Kelas : 7 RI Genap

  52. Nama: iqbal alamsyah
    Kls:Vll Raden inten

    1. A paragraph that contains a clear and detailed description of an objeck, place or event to the reader

    2. Consists of four basic elements, namely title, identification, classification, and description.

    3. Fish
    -Fish live in water
    -The fish have fins
    -Fish to swim
    -Fish have scales
    -Fish breathes with gills

  53. 1. A paragraph that contains a clear and detailed description of an objeck, place or event to the reader

    🇮🇩 Indonesia : paragraf yang berisi penggambaran suatu obyek, tempat atau peristiwa tertentu kepada pembaca secara jelas dan terperinci

    2. Consists of four elements,namely title, identification, classification, and description.

    🇮🇩 Indonesia : terdiri atas empat elemen yaitu judul, identifikasi, klasifikasi, dan deskripsi.

    3. Elephant
    -his body was resistant to ants
    -herbivorous animal
    -have a large body
    -has four legs
    -has two wide ears
    -has a long trunk
    -has ivory

    🇮🇩 Indonesia :
    -tubuhnya tahan terhadap gigitan
    - hewan herbivora
    -mempunyai tubuh yg besar
    -memiliki 4 kaki
    - mempunyai 2 telinga yang lebar
    - memiliki belalai yang panjang
    -mempunyai gading

    Nama : Tsabat Muyassar Syafiq
    Kelas : Vll RI Ganjil

  54. Nama : M.Dzaky Al hafiz
    Kelas: 7RI_Genap

    1. A paragraph that contains a clear and detailed description of an objeck, place or event to the reader

    2. Consists of four basic elements, namely title, identification, classification, and description.

    3. Fish
    -Fish live in water
    -The fish have fins
    -Fish to swim
    -Fish have scales
    -Fish breathes with gills

  55. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  56. 1. A description is a paragraph that contains a clear and detailed description of an object, place, or event to the reader.

    🇮🇩Indonesia : Deskripsi adalah paragraf yang berisi deskripsi yang jelas dan rinci tentang suatu objek, tempat, atau peristiwa kepada pembaca.

    2. consists of four basic elements, namely title, identification, classification, and description.

    🇮🇩Indonesia : Terdiri dari empat elemen dasar yaitu judul, identifikasi, klasifikasi, dan deskripsi.

    3. Fish
    -Fish live in water
    -The fish have fins
    -fish to swim
    -fish have scales
    -ikan breathes with gills

    🇮🇩Indonesia : Ikan
    -Ikan hidup di air
    -Ikan memiliki sirip
    -ikan berenang
    -ikan memiliki sisik
    -ikan bernafas dengan insang

    Nama : Nabil Syawaldi Akdito
    Kelas : VII Raden Intan (Ganjil)

  57. Nama : Rezky fairus adriansyah
    Kelas : VII Radin inten

    1. Description text is a paragraph that contains a clear and detailed description of an object, place or event to the reader.
    2. title, identification, classification, and description
    3. I have a cat, his name is Kiki. He is gray, he is 1 year old. Kiki really likes playing with wool yarn.

  58. Nama : M. Syafiq al-ghifari
    Kelas : VII Radin inten

    1. Description text is a paragraph that contains a clear and detailed description of an object, place or event to the reader.
    2. title, identification, classification, and description
    3. I have a cat, his name is Kiki. He is gray, he is 1 year old. Kiki really likes playing with wool yarn.

  59. Nama:muafi baihaqi adli
    Kelas:7 RI

    1. A description is a paragraph that contains a clear and detailed description of an object, place, or event to the reader.

    🇮🇩Indonesia : Deskripsi adalah paragraf yang berisi deskripsi yang jelas dan rinci tentang suatu objek, tempat, atau peristiwa kepada pembaca.

    2. consists of four basic elements, namely title, identification, classification, and description.

    🇮🇩Indonesia : Terdiri dari empat elemen dasar yaitu judul, identifikasi, klasifikasi, dan deskripsi.

    3. Fish
    -Fish live in water
    -The fish have fins
    -fish to swim
    -fish have scales
    -ikan breathes with gills

    🇮🇩Indonesia : Ikan
    -Ikan hidup di air
    -Ikan memiliki sirip
    -ikan berenang
    -ikan memiliki sisik
    -ikan bernafas dengan insang

  60.  A description is a paragraph that contains a clear and detailed description of an object, place, or event to the reader.

    🇮🇩Indonesia : Deskripsi adalah paragraf yang berisi deskripsi yang jelas dan rinci tentang suatu objek, tempat, atau peristiwa kepada pembaca.

    2. consists of four basic elements, namely title, identification, classification, and description.

    🇮🇩Indonesia : Terdiri dari empat elemen dasar yaitu judul, identifikasi, klasifikasi, dan deskripsi.

    3. Fish
    -Fish live in water
    -The fish have fins
    -fish to swim
    -fish have scales
    -ikan breathes with gills

    🇮🇩Indonesia : Ikan
    -Ikan hidup di air
    -Ikan memiliki sirip
    -ikan berenang
    -ikan memiliki sisik
    -ikan bernafas dengan insang

    M.Fathurrahman Z
    Vii radin intan ganjil

  61. Nama : Muhammad Arkaan Aufaa Raasyid
    Kelas : 7 Raden Intan

    1.The definition of descriptive text is a paragraph that contains a clear and detailed description of an object, place, or event to the reader. So that readers seem to see and feel for themselves what the author describes

    2.The description text structure consists of four basic elements, namely title, identification, classification and description. These elements build a detailed description of an object, place or event.

    3.-Cats live on land
    -Cats walk on legs
    -Cats breathe with Lungs
    -Cats are playful and spoiled
    -Cats are afraid of water
    -Cats like to learn what is around them
    -The cat is cute

  62. Naura luthfiyah hanun
    Cut meutia

    1.description text is a paragraph that contains a clear and detailed description of an object, place or event to the reader. So that readers seem to see and feel for themselves what the author describes.

    2.The description text structure consists of four basic elements, namely title, identification, classification and description

    3.Domestic chickens are birds that are usually kept by people to be used for the living needs of their keepers. Domestic chickens are direct descendants of a subspecies of partridge known as red jungle fowl or vulture. All chickens were theropods like tyrannosaurs.

  63. Name : avinza laura verlita
    Class : VII cut meutia (genap)

    1. Description text is a paragraph that contains a clear and detailend description of an object

    2. The description text structure consists of four basic elements, namely title, identication, classification and cescription

    3. Domestic cheikens are birds that are usually kept by people to be used for the living needs of their keepers


  64. 1.A description is a paragraph that contains a clear and detailed description of an object, place, or event to the reader. So that readers seem to see and feel for themselves what the author describes
    2.identification and description
    A.has 4 legs
    B.have a loud voice
    C.has striped fur
    D.have sharp teeth
    E.carnivorous animal
    F.King of the Jungle
    G.wild animals

    Nama:keisya khoirunnisa wardah
    Kelas:7 cut meutia(genap)

  65. 1. A description is a paragraph that contains a clear and detailed description of an object, place, or event to the reader.

    🇮🇩Indonesia : Deskripsi adalah paragraf yang berisi deskripsi yang jelas dan rinci tentang suatu objek, tempat, atau peristiwa kepada pembaca.

    2. consists of four basic elements, namely title, identification, classification, and description.

    🇮🇩Indonesia : Terdiri dari empat elemen dasar yaitu judul, identifikasi, klasifikasi, dan deskripsi.

    3. Fish
    -Fish live in water
    -The fish have fins
    -fish to swim
    -fish have scales
    -ikan breathes with gills



Perjalanan hidup manusia berputar seperti roda. Suatu saat akan berhenti, bila telah tiba di tujuan. Namun, adakalanya roda itupun berhenti karena hambatan. Hidup beserta masalah adalah lumrah. Memang demikian adanya. Hidup tanpa masalah mungkin juga ada. Akan tetapi, itulah masalahnya, mengapa bisa tidak ada masalah? Normalkah?

Maka kembali pada bagaimana kita menyikapi. Terbelit dalam kerumitan, pikirkanlah solusi; bukan kesulitannya. Karena hal ini akan menjelma beban.

Serahkan pada sang Penguasa semesta, karena Allah swt maha berkehendak. Entah bagaimana penyelesaiannya, terkadang tak pernah sedikitpun terbayang dalam pikiran. Lantas untuk apa lagi ragu? Bila tak sanggup membina diri, bersama iman dan taqwa padaNya, tunggulah kebinasaan itu dari jalan yang tak disangka -sangka.

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